Dr.D.Angeline Kiruba
Earned Degree/Diploma
Current Designation
Assistant Professor(Senior grade)
Industrial Biotechnology
Email (Official Preferred);
Ambrose DP, Lenin EA, Kiruba DA. Intrageneric phylogenetics based on mitochondrial DNA variation among fifteen harpactorine assassin bugs with four ecotypes and three morphs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae). Zootaxa. 2014 Mar 19;3779:540-50. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3779.5.4. PMID: 24871749.
S Prem Mathi Maran, K Selvamuthu, K Rajan, D Angeline Kiruba, Dunston P Ambrose,2011, The salivary protein profile and paralytic potential of three species of Rhynocoris (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) to three insect pests, Insect Pest Management, a Current Scenario; Ambrose, DP, Ed.; Pg 346-361, Entomology Research Unit: Palayamkottai, India
Malarvizhi T., Muthukumaran K., Remya M., Anusha G., Ashokumar M., Priyadharshini M.N., and Angeline Kiruba D. Nanoparticle Synthesis, Characterization and Its Applications in Cancer Drug Delivery- A Review. International Journal of Innovative Research and Creative Technology, 1(1): 117-23. (ISSN 2454 – 5988).
Joshnaa Catherine X., Jayashree V., Durgadevi S., Malarvizhi T., Priyadharshini M.N., and Angeline Kiruba D., 2015. Application of nanoparticles in cancer treatment- a review. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(67):315-20. (ISSN 0973-4562).
Priyadharshini S., Archana M., Angeline Kiruba D., Priyadharshini M.N. and Malarvizhi T., 2015. Production of isobutanol from Lactococcus lactis using valine catabolic degradation pathway. International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, 2(4): 72-81. (ISSN 2394 – 3386).
Banupriya P., Jeevitha R., Angeline Kiruba D., Priyadharshini M.N. and Malarvizhi T., 2015. Feasibility to employ Enterococcus faecalis phages to combat poultry infections. International Journal of Innovative Research and Creative Technology, 1(1): 64-69. (ISSN 2454 – 5988).
Koushik Ravi, Menaga S., Sabeena M., Priyadharshini M.N., Angeline kiruba D., Malarvizhi T., 2015. Synthesis and characterization of banana pseudostem as a novel adsorbent. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(67):340-42. (ISSN 0973-4562).
Priyadharshini M.N., Priyadharshini K., Priyadharshni A., Akilandeeswari A., Malarvizhi T., Angeline Kiruba D and Snehya A. V. Production and characterisation of biopolymer using Pseudomonas fluorescens (pf 01). Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 7(8):462-68.(ISSN 0975-7384)
T. Malarvizhi, D. Angeline Kiruba and M. N. Nafisa Begam, “Comparative Studies on Production of Bioethanol Using Peels of Punica Granatum and Sugarcane Wastes through ZymomonasMobilis”, Asian Journal of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry Vol. 7(1), (2022), 1124-1129.
M. N. Nafisa begam, D. Angeline Kiruba, T. Malarvizhi, Deepika V and Saranya, Muthumathy K, “ Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles As A Novel Adsorbent: Preparation, Characterization And Removal Of Reactive Blue 19 From Aqueous Solutions”, Stochastic Modeling & Applications, Vol. 26(1), ), (2022), 119-122.
Angeline Kiruba D, Malarvizhi T, Nafisa Begam M. N, Philomena Joy Lindsey A, Sharmila R & Rehina Sultana N, “Mitigation of the Tomato Bacterial Speck Pathogen Pseudomonassyringaepv. Tomato by Phage Therapy”, Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 13(2), (2022), 450–454.
Kiruba DA, Muthukumaran K and Thamarai P, 2022, Removal of Ni(II) ions from aqueous solutions using manganese oxide nanoparticles from buffel grass, Cenchrus ciliaris L., as green adsorbent. Kinetics and thermodynamic studies. Environment Protection Engineering, 48(1): 135-149, DOI: 10.37190/epe220109.
D. Angeline Kiruba, S Sangeetha, S Sanjay, M Yogeshwaran, 2024, Sugarcane hybridisation and detection of true hybrids using molecular approaches: Field study and statistical analysis, Research & Reviews in Biotechnology & Biosciences, 11(1):7-19.
- APCBEES Life member
GATE 2011 qualified
Awarded Best Project of the year 2011, Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
Awarded Academic Award, 2014, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore
Awarded Academic Award, 2015, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore
Awarded Academic Award, 2016, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore
- Sequences Published: 10
Genbank Accession Numbers:
KC130938.1, KC130939.1, KC130940.1 (2011)
KF056931.1, KF056932.1, KF056933.1 KF056934.1, KF443082.1, KF443083.1, &
KF443084.1 (2013) -
1. Undergone Summer training in “Animal Biotechnology” at the Department of Animal
Biotechnology, Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai from 25 th May to 21 st
June 2010.
2. Participated in the workshop on “Maintenance of Industrially Important Cells and
their Molecular Characterization” and assisted in the conduct of exercises on “In silico
Analysis for Molecular Characterization of Organisms”, organized by Department of
Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology from 9 th to 21 st Nov 2009.
3. Participated and presented a paper titled – “Growth kinetics and stability assessment of
Campylobacter phages”, in Postgraduate Conference in Biotechnology, Department of
Biotechnology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 29 th April 2011.4. Participated in the one day Intercollegiate Symposium on “Human Diseases”,
Biotechnology Association, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 5 th Feb 2011.
5. Participated in the DST & TNSCST sponsored “Research Awareness Programme” at
Entomology Research Unit, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai 9 th March 2012.
6. Participated in the National Seminar on “Biodiversity and Bioresources: A Fragile
Balance” held at St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai 25 th and 26 th Feb 2013.
7. Participated in the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (IIT
Madras) workshop held at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 9 th April
8. Participated in the One Week Faculty Development Programme sponsored by TEQIP
PHASE II on “Strategies for Effective Student-Teacher Interaction” conducted by the
Department of Humanities, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 29 th May to
4 th June 2013.
9. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme sponsored by TEQIP PHASE II
on “Pedagogy and Professional Communication” organized by the Department of
English, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore during 22 nd to 28 th May 2013.
10. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme sponsored by TEQIP PHASE II
on “Emerging trends in Biochemical Engineering” organized by the Department of
Industrial Biotechnology, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore from 2 nd to 8 th
Dec 2013.
11. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme sponsored by TEQIP PHASE II
on “Systems Biology” organized by the Department of Biotechnology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore from 21 st to 27 th Oct 2013.
12. Participated in the workshop on “Quality Improvement Cell” organized at Government
College of Technology, Coimbatore on 23 rd Jan 2014.
13. Participated in the workshop on “Biodiesel: A green fuel from the dross of the earth”
organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Technology,
Coimbatore on 11 th Nov 2013.
14. Participated in two week ISTE workshop on Pedagogy for effective use of ICT in
Engineering Education conducted by IIT Bombay from June 12 th to August 2 nd , 2014,
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore.15. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on “Biological treatment of
wastewater: Innovations, perceptions and challenges” organized by Department of
environmental Engineering, Government College of technology, Coimbatore and Central
Leather Research Institute, Chennai from 25 th to 27 th Feb 2014.
16. Participated in the Workshop on “Learning Assessment and Evaluation” organized by
Teaching Learning Centre on 1 st and 2 nd Dec 2014.
17. Participated in national conference on" Environmental challenges towards
sustainability-2015" organised by COE, Department of Environmental Engineering,
Civil engineering, Government College of Technology on 15 th May 2015
18. Participated in TEQIP sponsored one week Faculty Development Programme on
"Research Issues in Renewable Energy Systems" from 25 th to 31 st May, 2015 at
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Government College of
Technology, Coimbatore
19. Participated in "The investment/Financial Awareness programme" conducted by
CED, Tamilnadu and Talent Edge, Mumbai on June 12 th , 2015 at ACCET, Karaikudi
20. Participated in two weeks Faculty Development Programme sponsored by AICTE on
"Entrepreneurship" at ACCET, Karaikudi from June 1 st to 14 th , 2015
21. Participated in three days training programme on “Patent filing, drafting and
processing” at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Rights during Nov
2 nd to 4 th , 2015
22. Participated in International conference on “Alternate Renewable Energy” during
Nov 25 th & 26 th , 2015 in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore.
23. Participated in one day workshop on “Training and Demonstration on surface area
analyzer” organized by COE, Department of Environmental Engineering, Civil
engineering, Government College of Technology on 21 st Jan, 2016.
24. Participated in TEQIP CoE-ES sponsored one week Faculty Development Programme
on Nano Materials in Technological Applications in Department of Civil Engineering,
Government College of Technology from 27 th June to 3 rd July 2016.25. Participated in TEQIP CoE-ES sponsored workshop on Entrepreneurship
opportunities in biodiesel production from waste in Department of Civil Engineering,
Government College of Technology on 9 th August 2016.
26. Participated in ICAR sponsored training programme on Analysis of experimental data
in NAARM, Hyderabad during 18-23 August 2016.
27. Participated in TEQIP sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Language use
in engineering classroom at Government College of Technology from 1 -7 Nov 2016.
28. Participated in AICTE sponsored QIP short term course on Make in India: Dreams
come reality by Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee from
3-14 Jan 2017.
29. Participated in AICTE sponsored short term course on Nano and functional materials
by Department of Chemical Engineering, CIT Coimbatore from 1-7 March 2017.
30. Participated in TEQIP sponsored Pedagogy and Management capacity enhancement
program for teaching staff by ESCI The institution of engineers, India at Andaman and
Nicobar Islands from 17-19 March 2017.31. Undergone NPTEL online course equivalent to AICTE sponsored one week FDP on “Health research fundamentals” funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India from Jan-Mar, 2019.
32. Participated in one week TEQIP III Sponsored Faculty development programme on “Advanced pedagogy, sponsored research, IPR & Entrepreneurship” organized by the Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore-641013 from 22.07.2019 to 26.07.2019.
33. Participated in TEQIP III Sponsored Faculty development programme on “Lean six sigma tools and its applications” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore-641013 during 23.09.2019 to 27.09.2019.
34. Participated in AICTE Sponsored two weeks Faculty development programme on “Renewable energy grid integration: Challenges and solutions” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore-641013 during 20.11.2019 to 03.12.2019.
35.Participated in DOTE TamilNadu Government sponsored two weeks Faculty development programme on “Innovations in Bio-engineering” organized by the Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore-641013 from 09.12.2019 to 22.12.2019.
36. Participated in two weeks Industrial Training on “Molecular cloning and cancer cell culture” in AMI Biosciences, Coimbatore from 17th March to 31st March, 2021.
37. Participated in one week AICTE sponsored FDP on “Recent trends in nanomaterials and its applications” organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology from 19th April to 1st May, 2021.
38. Participated in one week AICTE-ATAL FDP on “Role of microbes in planning for alternate fuel strategies” from 12th to 16th July, 2021.
39. Participated in one week AICTE-ATAL FDP on “Green Technology and Sustainability in Chemistry” from 2nd to 6th August, 2021.
40. Participated in one week FTC-FDP on "Emerging Trends in Environmental Biotechnology" from 20th to 24th December, 2021.
41. Undergone NPTEL online course equivalent to AICTE sponsored FDP (12 weeks) on “Basic Environmental Engineering and Pollution Abatement” funded by Ministry of MoE, Govt. of India from Jul-Oct, 2023.
42. Participated in two weeks virtual Faculty development programme on “Advancements in Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering” organized by the Department of Biotechnology and Department of Chemical Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai, Tamilnadu from 02.01.2024 to 12.01.2024.
Organizing committee member of TEQIP Phase II sponsored Faculty Development
Programme on “Emerging trends in Biochemical Engineering”, Department ofIndustrial Biotechnology, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore from 2 nd to 8 th
Dec 2013.
Organizing committee member of National conference on “Green Biotechnology”,
Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Government College of Technology,
Coimbatore from 30 th September & 1 st October, 2015.
Academic Responsibility and Role
Member in Board of studies, Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore.