Dr. O. Saraniya
Earned Degree/Diploma
Current Designation
Professor (CAS)
Electronics & Communication Engg
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Dr.O.Saraniya, Professor (CAS) /ECE
Book chapter Published: 2
- Sreeja G and Saraniya O, ‘Image Fusion through Deep Convolutional Neural Network’, Chapter 3, Deep Learning and Parallel Computing Environment for Bioengineering Systems, Elsevier, August 2019
- Bagavathi C and Saraniya O, ‘Evolutionary mapping techniques for Systolic Computing System’, Chapter 13, Deep Learning and Parallel Computing Environment for Bioengineering Systems, Elsevier, August 2019
Journal Publications: 14
- Saraniya O & Ezhilarasi M, 2014, ‘Speckle Suppressing Anisotropic Diffusion Filter for Medical Ultrasound Images’, Ultrasonic imaging, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 112-32.(Annexure 1, SI. No. 8191, Impact Factor 1.156)
- Saraniya O & Ezhilarasi M, 2014b, ‘Despeckling of medical ultrasound images by wavelet threshold optimisation’, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1-17.(Annexure 2, SI. 8622)
- O. Saraniya, Noble Manuel, “Sigmoid function based Anisotropic diffusion filter for reducing Ultrasound speckle” National conference on Research challenges in wireless communications systems and VLSI Design”,Year:2014.
- O.Saraniya, Murugeshwari.s, “Automatic Stopping Criteria for Ultrasonic images” National conference on Recent Advances in computer vision & Information technology”, Year: 2014.
- O.Saraniya, Joy E Jose “Adaptive threshold anisotropic diffusion filter for speckle removal in Medical Ultrasound images” National conference on Recent Advances in computer vision & Information technology”, Year:2014.
- Dr.O.Saraniya, S.Gokila priya,”Design of robust 13 T SRAM Bit cell for Operation in Low voltages”, International journal of science & Engineering Development research, ISSN: 2455-2631, Issue 3, Volume 2,2017
- Dr.O.Saraniya, R.Kanagavalli, “A Reconfigured Twisted Ring counter using Tristate coding for test data compression”, International Journal of science & Engineering Development research, ISSN: 2455-2631, Issue 3, Volume 2, 2017
- Dr.O.Saraniya, Priya K, ”A Convolution Neural network Algorithm for Brain Tumor image Segmentation”, International Journal of science & Engineering Development research, ISSN:2455-2631, Issue 3,Volume 2, 2017
- Dr.O.Saraniya, S. Divya “Partial Product Perforation Technique for Efficient High Speed and low power approximate multiplication circuits”, International Journal of Science and Engineering Development Research, ISSN 2455-2631, Vol. 2, Issue 3, March 2017
- Bagavathi. C, Dr. Saraniya O, “A Novel Systolic Architecture design for Image Processing”, International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology (IJSIET), Volume 2 May issue 2018
- Sreeja. G, Dr. Saraniya O, “A comparison in Ultrasound Beamforming Techniques” International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology (IJSIET), Volume 2 May issue 2018
- Sreeja Gopalakrishnan & Saraniya Ovireddy 2020, ‘Hybridisation of single-image super-resolution with edge-aware multi-focus image fusion for edge enrichment’, IET Image Processing, vol. 14, no. 16, pp. 4392-4400, ISSN: 1751- 9659, DOI:10.1049/iet-ipr.2020.0527. Impact Factor: 2.373.
- Sreeja G, Dr.Saraniya.O, “Hybridisation of single-image super-resolution with edge-aware multi-focus image fusion for edge enrichment” in IET Image Processing journal, volume 14,no 16, pp. 4392-4400, DOI:10.1049/iet-ipr.2020.0527,Impact Factor: 2.373.
- Bagavathi C and Dr. Saraniya O, “Enhanced texture classification through feature compaction using dihybrid Bio-inspired computation techniques”, in the journal Concurrency and computation practice and experience ,volume 33,no 24,, Impact Factor: 1.831.
National /International Conferences /Symposium: 15
- O. Saraniya, “Adaptive threshold Anisotropic Diffusion filter for speckle removal in Medical Ultrasound images”, TEQIP II sponsored National Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Vision & Information Technology, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2015
- Dr.O.Saraniya, S.Gokila priya, “Implementation of Radiation Tolerant 13T SRAM Memory Array for Low voltage operation”, TEQIP II sponsored National conference on Alternate energy Technologies, NCEAT 2017, GCT, Coimbatore.
- Dr.O.Saraniya, S. Divya, “Modified 10-tap FIR filter by approximate multiplier circuits using partial product perforation technique” TEQIP II sponsored National conference on Alternate energy Technologies, NCEAT 2017, GCT, Coimbatore.
- Dr. O. Saraniya, Varun kumar. S “Improving Network Efficiency using Advanced Emodleach Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network”, TEQIP II sponsored National conference on Alternate energy Technologies, NCEAT 2017, GCT, Coimbatore
- O.Saraniya, S. Divya, “Modified 10 TAP FIR filter by approximate multiplier circuit using partial product performation technique”, TEQIP II sponsored National conference on Alternate energy Technologies, NCEAT 2017, GCT, Coimbatore.
- O.Saraniya, Varun kumar. S “Improving network lifetime using advance EMODLEACH protocol for wireless sensor Network”, National conference on Alternate energy Technologies, NCEAT 2017, GCT, Coimbatore.
- Dr. O. Saraniya, Swathika, “Filtered Delay multiply and sum beam forming for Multi-line transmission”, Eighth International Conference on Engineering and Advancement in Technology, 22 and 23 March 2018
- Bagavathi. C, Dr. O. Saraniya, “Hardware Designs for Histogram of Oriented Gradients in Pedestrian Detection: A Survey”, Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS), IEEE Conference, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS.2019.8728486, 15-16 March 2019
- Sreeja G, Dr. O. Saraniya, “A Comparative Study on Image Registration Techniques for SAR Images”, Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS), IEEE Conference, DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS.2019.8728390, 15-16 March 2019
- M. Nandhini, Dr. O. Saraniya, “Detection of Glaucoma and Cup Disc Ratio” in International Conference on the Networks, Electronics Communication and Control (ICONECC 2019), Department of ECE, Cape Institute of Technology, Tirunelveli, March 2019.
- M. Ananth, Dr. O. Saraniya, “Implementation of Accelerating Large scale Matrix multiplication on FPGA’s”, 11th National Conference on Signal Processing, communication and VLSI Design, NCSCV ’19, Department of ECE, Anna university Regional Campus, Coimbatore, 4-05 April 2019
- Bagavathi C and Dr. Saraniya O, “Statistical Descriptors based Image Classification of Textural Images”, First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies, April 2019.
- Sreeja. G, Dr. Saraniya O, “Sum Modified Laplacian based Image Fusion in DCT domain with super resolution”, First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies, April 2019.
- Bagavathi C and Dr. Saraniya O, “Image Classification by learning of wavelet and texture features”, International Conference on Frontiers in Smart Scale Technologies (FSST), Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, April 2019.
- Sreeja. G, Dr. Saraniya O, “Energy Efficient Multifocus image fusion in DCT Domain”, International Conference on Frontiers in Smart Scale Technologies (FSST), Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, April 2019.
Faculty Development Programmes:10
- FDP on “Advanced pedagogy, sponsored research, IPR, Entrepreneurship” at GCT, Coimbatore from 22.07.2019 to26.07.2019
- FDP on “Multidisciplinary innovations in engineering and science for sustainable development” at GCT, Coimbatore along with NIT Yupe, Arunachal Pradesh, from 05.08.2019 to 09.08.2019.
- Workshop on “Outcome based education and NBA accrediation” at GCT, Coimbatore from 13.08.2019 & 14.08.2019.
- Seminar on “Stress management and Professional excellence”, at GCT ,Coimbatore on10.10.2019
- Workshop on “Best practices in Technical education” at GCT, Coimbatore on 19.11.2019.
- Productivity Enhancement Program on Implementation of knowledge and practice of the techniques taught in this program enhances efficiency, productivity, motivation and helps in inculcating positive attitude and a sense of responsibility towards the institution, students and colleagues at GCT Coimbatore from 27.01.2020 to 01.02.2020.
- Webinar on “Preparing ourselves on second cycle of NBA Accreditation” organised at GCT, Coimbatore on 11.07.2020.
- Webinar on “Digital Teaching- How to handle effective online classroom” organised at GCT, Coimbatore on 11.09.2020.
- Attended Art of living Wellness program held at GCT, Coimbatore from 18.10.2020 to 24.10.2020.
- Attended the course on “Introduction to environmental engineering” by IIT Bombay at GCT, Coimbatore from 14.12.2020 to 23.12.2020.