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Programme Outcomes

Students pursuing in the Manufacturing Engineering Programme should at the time of their graduation able 

PO 1: to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge to solve real life engineering problems.
PO 2: to identify , formulate and solve manufacturing problems by critical thinking.
PO 3: to solve manufacturing engineering problems and evaluate optimal solutions.
PO 4: to manufacture a system, product or process by using research skills.
PO 5: to apply modern tools for complex manufacturing  processes.
PO 6: to perform collaborate multi disciplinary scientific manufacturing engineering research through self management and team work.
PO 7: to apply project and finance management principles for effective project implementation.
PO 8: to communicate and write report for knowledge transfer.
PO 9: to contribute the society through lifelong learning.
PO 10: to exhibit knowledge of professional, ethical and social responsibilities in the manufacturing.
PO 11: to demonstrate knowledge on manufacturing through reflective learning